Monday 16 September 2013

Traditional Omani Food

When you visit Oman ,the first characteristics of Omani people that you can recognize is the hospitality ,Omani has one of the best hospitality all over the world as they are kind  and generous people ,moreover Omani people cares about tourism as it is an important resource of economy .if you decided to visit oman and Visit your friend there or even Omani people invited you to their house ,you will receive a great hospitality starts with their traditional drink which is the Kahwa "coffee" and Halawa "dates" which is sticky gelatinous  kind of sweet with different kinds of flavor and spices ,Halawa is one of the traditional Sweets that one shall eat when entering Omani house during visiting Oman .
 as all of the Arab world  ,people of Oman likes eating Foods .they have a wide range of Food , the main course should include rice with different spices and cooked meal .from the popular food in Oman that you will experience when you visit Oman  is the maqbous  ,maqbous is a kind of smashed rice with different spices ,although Omani use Spices in their foods but it is not hot like the Asian foods .another popular food is the shuwa which is the most popular among the Omani food that you will eat when you visit Oman specially in the occasions when All of the villages people share making this kind of food .the Shuwa is a whole cow or goat meat roasted for 2 days in an oven prepared specially for this kind of dishes under the ground . Rice is one of the principal components of the Omani food with various methods and spices, it is used widely all over Oman, and usually it is served with meat or vegetables.
Soups are also popular when you visit Oman, Soups are available with different methods, Soups of vegetables, lamps meat, chickens, and Salad also is popular there with different kinds of fresh vegetables, tuna meat, smoked eggplants, dried fishes.
If you visit Oman during festivals specially Muslims festivals which is Ramadan month, a month is fasted by Muslim people followed by Eid El fetr and after the pilgrimage to Mecca commemorating the sacrifice of Abraham   Eid El adha you will find Meat ,Chicken and fishes forms the main dishes .the food varies from state to state ,In Dhofer and wusta during festivals they cook ruz al mudhroub which is cooked rice with fried fish and maqdeed in Muscat,Al Sharkia region ,Dahira,Al Batinah where you can eat maqloub during your Oman visit  ,you will eat also Arasia "lamb meat cooked with rice  and Mishkak "meat cooked with charcoal .in Eid the lunch of fist day is Harees "wheat mixed with meat ",second day Mishkak and the third day is Shuwa .
When You Visit oman in ramadan you will find the best kinds of food is served during the month, the most popular two dished is Sakkhana which is a thick sweet soup and fatta which is a mix of rice, meat and vegetables .the truth is when you visit Oman you will chock by the fact that there are no commons between the same dishes served in Salalah at the south and Muscat at the north …!!!!!!! The Omani people is known for their hospitality and generous the same as the whole Arab worlds ,So enjoy your Oman day tours .

Souks (local markets) of Oman

Visit Oman and enjoy visiting the local markets of Oman, Local market is the English translation of the word souk .souks in Oman is not a place to buy goods when you visit Oman but a meeting points were you can meet your friends in these markets and for trading purpose and getting gossip  ,it is found in every major town in Oman .the experience of hustle and bustle inside the souks will make you put it on your top listed places to visit when you visit Oman .
Oman has large numbers of popular souks ,Mutrah Souk is the most beautiful souk in Oman ,dates back to about 200 years old .it's antiquity increases its beauty and cultural place . The souk has another name among Omani people which is the souk of the darkness duo to the architecture of the place which doesn't allow sun lights during the day, aromatic smells of frankincense, incense and Arabian perfumes are very recognized in Mutrah Souk, the souk is very known for hand crafts like daggers, silverware and traditional cloth, apparel and shoes in addition to Omani Sweets.
the second Souk you can see when you visit Oman is Nizwa Souk ,this expansive souk where Omani people buy meat,fish,spices and incense, it is well known with its silver crafts which is considered the best all over the country .the third souk is Al Hafah Souk  lies in the governorate of Dhofer ,the souk is the best place to buy incense and gum when you visit Oman  not only in Dhofer but in the Sultanate .the souk is known for its textile and clothing ,gold and silver crafts .
The forth Souk is Al Husn Souk which is characterizes by its location in the middle of Dhofer  and its traditional clothing hand craft .the Fifth souk you can visit when you visit Oman is Ibri Souk it is the largest souk in A'Dhahirah Governorate ,the souk is built in the Islamic souks style of architecture it is known for its Gold and Silver shops ,animal shops .the sixth souk is the sinaw souk which is held every Thursday in Al Sharkyia north governorate .this souk usually is crowded due to its cloth proximity to the Badian communities ,they go there to sell their goods and hand crafts ,the souk runs from 6 Am to 1 Pm .

Visit Al Rustaq Souq when you visit Oman because it is one of the most popular souk in the sultanate the souk is known for its traditional goods of silver and black smithing, agriculture crops in addition to a famous courtyard for selling sheep.

Another Souk worth visiting when you visit Oman is Al Mintarib Tuesday Market which is held every Tuesday in el Badiya in the eastern region .this souk traveler will see small treasure of Gold, silver , Dragger ,swords, leather goods ,objects of palm leaves in addition to agriculture, meat and Fish product .the souk opens only on Tuesday from 6 Am to 10 in the morning  .

The last souk you can visit when you visit Oman is the Ibra Wednesday Souk,which is held on Wilayet Ibra in the eastern region, the Souk is very unique as it is for women only. Only women can go there to buy all their needs, it is open from 6 Am to 1 Pm every Wednesday.
All of these different kinds of souks will make the experience of hustle and Bustle in these Souks make you put the visit of Omani Souks (local markets) on your top listed activities when you visit Oman.

Sunday 15 September 2013

Salalah City Tour

Salalah is the capital and seat of the governor of Dhofar the southern province of oman . Salalah is the second largest city in the Sultanate of Oman and the largest city in the Dhofar Provence and was its largest capital. Salalah is known as the "perfume capital of Arabia" and "the attar capital of Oman". The city is a tourism destination due to the natural attractions of the nearby mountains and the magnificent frankincense trees lining mountain wadi courses. The country side is green and you can find the herds of cattle's there. The beautiful beaches and coastline are also major attractions for scuba diving and bird watching.
Oman wasn't spoiled with mass tourism but still provide a perfect chance for a great holiday with great memories and a lot of joy   .You May ask what to do when you visit Oman …?. Salalah City tour is one of the recommended trips when you visit Oman as it includes the visit of marvelous ancient places and ancient and modern souks .Visit Oman and make Salalah City tour in which you will start your  visit with the visit of Al Baleed Museum the  museum of the Frankincense land. It is situated in Al Baleed Archeological park .it was opened in 2007, the Museum hosts impressive numbers of the archaeological and maritime history of Oman.
When you visit Oman you will see the heritage souk where you can find different kinds of Omani crafts and incense burner. Another Souks you must visit when you visit Oman which is the Arabian Souk, with shops of the same alignment, shape and decoration the gold souk where you can buy Modern and old Dhofri ornament ,the Haffa Souk which is the most beautiful souk you can see when you visit Oman .this souk is the most beautiful old Souk in Salalah where tourist who visit Oman can buy a wide range of items .traveler can buy Frankincense souvenir  here for their friends along with kaftans, woolen caps, perfumes, jewelry, lanterns, ceramic figurines, bells and wooden handicrafts.
From the remarkable places that you will not forget is the Dhohofri Houses with its magnificent colored windows and Doors. Then you can walk along Al Husn palace, the summer residential palace of his Majesty. Do not forget to visit the ancient city of Zufar which the largest Governorate of the eleventh Governorate in Oman .it is the Capital of salalah city, Dhofar has been a homeland for tribes speak different Arabic language. The last thing you can do when you visit Oman is to visit the ruins of Al Balid or "town" .it is an ancient city build on strategic position forming a natural defense to the north and with the Arabian Sea. The town was rectangular in shape and surrounded by a wall with three gates. All of these places can be seen when you only make a day tour to Salalah .so Visit Oman and enjoy your holiday there with plenty of different activities and magnificent natural scenes and wonderful accommodation service.

People of oman and what you will see during your Oman Day tours

The first thing that can draw your attention during having Oman Day tours is people of oman .like any other Arabic community the omani community is full of Surprising manifestation about their clothing, work,classes and castes ,Omani stratification ,marriage, family, kingship, etiquette, food, religion ,…etc .in this article we will talk about these important manifestations and will try to understand the omani point of view in these issues .
The first thing that you can see during your Oman Day tours the Clothing of the people in Oman, the dress of omani people is a prominent marker of ethnic  identity . the dress reflects each one region and origin specially the face cover of the woman reflects her origin, position ,membership in a particular trib. men wears deshdashah (a long garment reaches the ankle of the leg) with deferent in colors and sleeves . The head cover is a must for both men and women .

Second thing that you can see during your oman Day Tours is the commercial activities ,agriculture and fishing are the powerful resources of Oman, vegetables  with its different colors and cattle's are grown in dhofer ,fish and selfish exported and gain a huge amount of money in return about 40$million a year .men works mainly in  fishing and driving from shores while women mends fishing net .men works in gardens while women works in fields of wheat ,alfalfa .the boys also shares in the works and agriculture life mostly when they are nine years old .

Thirdly, during having Oman Day Tours you will realize Omani classes and casts, the Omani community based on trib ties,religious education and relatives wealth .at the head of Oman community is the Sultan and his family Al Sa'id and their wealth and rank came from the discoveries of oil in Oman ,then it is followed by the merchants who are of mostly of Indian origin ,culture ,then comes the families that gain reputation for religious  learning  and commercial activities who works in the governmental  life in the interior of the country .Oman has a small middle class while the majority of the people outside .

Fourthly, among the most important characteristics of Omani People the Etiquette and the way they are behave. The Omani people are very polite and formal in public .their way in greeting people is  formal way thus you will see during having Oman Day tours  ,men and women should interact in an open air . omani people of the same Gender use to holds hands and they stands close to each other as Arab do usually .when men and women are in the same place in a door ,souks, banks and shops ,men introduce women to go first .

During having Oman Day Tours you will realize that most of the Omani people are Muslims, they divided to Sunni,obidi and priority of Shii.,in addition to a small group of Hindu people Omani people are very religious people and they pay great attention for the observed religious obligations like the five times prayer during the day and most of the Omani people tends to pray in the nearest mosque and fasting the holy month of Ramdan .during youe Oman Day Tours ,if you eat and drink during Ramadan day light you will make something against the low in oman . From the religious manifestation that the minister obeys the minister of Awkaf, the man who receives religious education called Sheikh .all of these features that you realize in Oman Day tours make the Omani's communities very special and unique .

Muscat City tour

Muscat is the Capital of Oman .and it is the known seat of the government .Muscat is an old city that is full of natural landscapes as the HaJar Mountains which dominate the Landscape of Muscat. The City lies on the Northern of Oman and it lies on the Arabian Sea where it has a strategic position on Hormuz.
The city referred to as "Muscat" is in fact three smaller towns they are:
·      Muscat – or "walled city", Muscat is the site of the royal palaces.
§  Matrah (Matruh) - a fishing village, and home to Souqs like Matrah Souq.
§  Ruwi - generally considered the commercial and diplomatic centre of the city.
Muscat is one of the tourist destinations for Tourist that once decided to visit oman and have Oman Day tours. Tourist always has the question of what to do in oman …!!!
This repeated Question can be answered with various answer Due to the variety of Oman Day tour .one of the famous tour among Oman Day tours is Muscat city tour ,in which Oman Day tours tourist start their visit with the visit of grand Mosque of Oman .one of the Most beautiful mosques in the world .it was built from 300000 tons of Indian Sand Stones .after finishing the visit of the Grand Mosque Oman Day tours tourist will move to visit Muttrah Souk which is known by Al Dhalam Souk .it is the world oldest Souk as Muscat is the oldest natural Harbor in the world .in the past the souk was build from mud and palm leaves .today's it was renovated and decorated to maintain the popular style .the souk is overcrowded During the Eid festivals as Omani goes there to buy garment and Jewelries .Oman Day tours tourist can smell different smells During walking along the souks ,they can smell the frankincense, perfume oils, fresh jasmine and spices. then Oman Day tours tourist can move to visit Sultan Al Alam Palace , it is 200 years old built by built by Imam Sultan bin Ahmed .the palace coloured with Gold and blue although it is not the residence  palace of the Sultans ,visitors are not Allowed inside .it remains a popular area to walk and have photos .the last stop for oman Day tours tourist is the Jalali and Mirani Forts the most famous forts among Muscat forts .Al mirani Fort was built in 16 AD before the Portuguese then they rebuild it later on its old structure and added some additional .while the Portuguese finished the building of the Jalali Fort's present structure dates back to Sayyid Said bin Sultan. Muscat city has a lot of other Landmarks like mosques, temple, churches, Museums .Muscat is really a great City where you will have a great Fun and Explore a lot of Different places .Muscat really deserve to visit During your visit to oman or having a holiday in the area .wish you enjoy your Holiday .

Khasab Dhow Cruise

Khasab is the local capital of musandam peninsula .it's 500 kilometers from Muscat.Musandam has colorful underworld water marine spectacular for Diving Snorkeling and fishing.
Khasab is one of the tourism attractions of oman as it has a lot of magnificent places and activities which Oman Day tours tourist can enjoy while having khasab tours. It has spectacular views of mountain and white sands with clear crystal waters in addition to colorful underworld marine life.
One of the most famous trips for oman Day tours tourists and maybe the most preferable one among khasab tours is the Dhow cruise.  Khasab Dhow cruise is a trip where oman Day tours tourist land on a local Omani boat across Azure water surrounded by Fabulous mountains and magnificent sand where Oman Day Tours tourist can enjoy watching dolphin at the entrance. Dolphins had been leaving there for millions of years even before the arrival of humans in the spot so Omani respect their privacy and space .Dolphins at this spot can't be missed as they are available for most of the year. you can watch them playing with their youngs, swimming, Jumping around the dhow and you may join them also..!!!!!  .
The following are some of Dolphin behavior that oman Day tours tourists can witness in this spot:
Natural Foraging & Feeding Behavior:
Dolphin eating and challenging each other to catch fishes ,you can watch their speed during their attempt to catch fish ,at that moment you can catch up a magnificent photos .
Rest & Sleep Behavior:
Dolphin needs about 8 hours to rest .they in addition to whales have unique behavior during their sleep .they sleep with have brain unconscious .
Socializing, Playing & Mating Behavior:
This is the time in which dolphins are in the mood of mating and playing either with each other by wrestling, by playing with seaweeds or tossing with sand dollar .this is the perfect time to act with human on cruise where they seek cruise and swim besides. you can have great time enjoying playing watching or even photographing them .
Caring for & Teaching their Young:
Dolphins have social complex structure. Baby dolphin spend a lot of their early years in accompanying their mums watching and learning how to enter new area, hunting different species of fishes and interacting even the very social details.
All of this behaviors can be watched during khasab Dhow Cruise and thus it is preferable by oman Day tours tourists.
Besides dolphins in this spot Oman Day tours tourists can enjoy watching a grand variety of fish species which are incredible and this is because the cruise will anchor in more than one place. usually this tour is made by the Oman Day tours Tourist as a half day tour which last for 2 hours or as a full day tour which lasts for about 7 hours .Oman Day tours tourist During the Dhow Cruise in Khasab usually have soft drinks and lunch served .Oman Day tours tourist will also enjoy seeing the Fjord mountain with its spectacular view. 

Holidays in oman …. What to do????

What to do in Oman … may be it is the First Question that May come in your mind when you decide to visit Oman, put what may be a surprise or even a chock that the question What to do in Oman has a lot of Magnificent answers, this is due to the beauty, elegant and nature of Oman .Oman may be not a very famous tourist destination but it if Full of tours, Excursions, activities of different kinds to meet the satisfaction of every tourist.
Oman is one of the Gulf Countries that has a very strategic place among its neighbors (Dubai, Qatar, and Bahrain )where it is easily accessed .it is located in south west Asia with a statically important place on the Persian Gulf  .this article will help you to have a nice holiday in the Beautiful Oman …now we will start to answer the very important Question which is what to do in oman  …?
What to do in Oman … we will start with Khasab ,the Capital and the largest city in Musandam peninsula ,Khasab has a port to receive thousand of tourist that intended to have a quite holiday in Oman . Day Tours in Oman separated into two kinds of activities ,Firstly Khasab Dhow Cruise whether it’s a half day (about 4 Hours) trip or Full day trip (about 7-8 Hours) where Oman Day Tours Tourist can enjoy the crystal clear water of Khasab that is full with large numbers of Colored Fish of different kinds ,the most popular there is Dolphin ,people make the Oman Dhow Cruise to enjoy seeing the Dolphin in the water of Khasab playing, Feedings, or even Fishing .you can join them in water whenever you want. Secondly, Mountain Safari Trip in which you will have unparallel mountain vistas to mountains and Valleys more over you will visit some famous places in Khasab . Thirdly Khasab City tours in which you will walk in Khasab City see the forts, souks and other magnificent places.
What to do in Oman … second place you can enjoy having Day tours when you visit Oman is Muscat, the largest city and capital of Oman. Where you will have the best tours in your life  as Muscat is Full of Natural places ,activities ,things to do .from the tours that can be done in Muscat is Muscat City Tour ,enjoy walking in Muscat seeing the palace of his Majesty Sultan of Oman ,souks and forts .Grand canyon trip is the most popular trip in which you can Enjoy Climbing Jebal shams the highest mountain in Oman and enjoy the adventurous tour .Jebal Akhar tour enjoy the beauty of nature at the peak of the mountain where you can see the trees of frankincense down the mountain,Wadis tours as wadi bani khaled,wadi sahtan ,wadi abyadah,wadi bani Auf.Enjoy the most magnificent wadis all over the world where you can swim in the clear crystal water  ,wahiba Sands tour and this is one of the Major tour that you can find if you ask What to do in Oman ,also in Muscat you can make Dolphin watching and  Snorkeling tours.
What to do in oman …. Thirdly Salalah  ,it is the capital and seat of the governor of Dhofar the southern province of Oman ,where you will enjoy having the best holiday and the best Oman Day Tours .What to do in oman specially Salalah is an Easy Question as you have a variety of activities and holidays trips to choose .
You can have Salalah City Tour ,enjoy the walk in Salalah City ,visit Souks ,Smell incense and buy Omani crafts art as a souvenir for your friends ,make the East tour where you can enjoy visiting the eatern part of Oman ,or make the western tour to enjoy the western part or have the combination of the east and west,moreover you can have the wadis tour (wadi Darbat or Wadi Ayoun) or enjoy the empty Quarter of Oman and go back with memories of your feet on the sands of oman …!!!!!.
That’s why what to do in oman is a very easy Question due to the variety of activities and holidays trips held in Oman insists on meeting the satisfaction of all kinds of traveler across the world that will come to visit oman and promise them to have a wonderfull holidays that will be kept in their minds for long years.

Holidays in Khasab

Khasab is the capital of musandam Peninsula .Khasab is 500 Kilometers away From Muscat city, Portuguese built Khasab on the 17 century AD .it has a spectacular underworld marine Life which is perfect for snorkeling, Diving and Fishing .Khasab is one of Oman Tourist Destination as it if Full of Natural Phenomenon of mountains and whites colored desert with a variety of activities in which tourists of Oman day tours can enjoy. Oman Day tours tourist can enjoy their time to the most during their visit to Khasab Musandam as it has as we mentioned variety of activities that can meet all kinds of tourist satisfaction. From the known trip to Oman Day tours tourist is the Khasab Dhow Cruise in which they can enjoy watching Dolphins playing,feeding,feshing and a lot of many other colorful fish spices  in a magnificent crystal clear water  for half day tour Starts from Morning till after noon or Full Day trip from afternoon to sunset .dolphin in this spot can't be missed as they are available for the most of the year .the second trip that oman day tours tourist can have is Khasab City tour ,in which oman Day tours tourist visit fort of khasab which dates back to the 16the century AD then they can visit the Museum which is inside the forts .the Museum has displays of omani handi crafts are displayed .then they will head to visit the old and new souks of khasab .befor they leave they will make a visit to wadi Qadah with the old village of tawi .the last thing that oman Day tours tourist  can see is the depicted camels ,ships and warriors carved by the old rocks on the deep bey which dates back to about 2000 years ago .another trip can be  done by Oman Day tours tourists is Khasab Mountain Safari one of the great safari's trip in oman in which  they will drive across Harim mountains where Oman Day tours tourist will have the chance for unparallel visitas towars mountain and valleys in the area ,they will visit Sayh plateau which is 1.100 M above the sea level now they can have a magnificent looking about the canyoun which is 1.600 M  and Dibba in addition to a wall of fossils dates back to millions of years ,then they will visit Fjord and Gulf of the end of Oman Day tours tourist trip in Khasab they will visit Bait Ul Kufal an old centuries house then Birkat al-Khaldiyah  "Fertile natural park". This trip will cover almost 40% of Khasab . Khasab is one of the best holidays destinations that is highly recommended for people who wants to visit oman or have a quite holiday suitable for Ally families Member with a lot of Joy,refreshment ,safty and a well - served accommodation .
The omani's Authorities had made an Air Port in Khasab to Accommodates the coming traveler who wanted to visit that beautiful part of Oman.

Oman …the beauty has an address

Oman …the beauty has an address

Oman is replete with the beauty of its unique nature landscape .Oman offers magnificent shorelines, beautiful oasis, golden desert, rugged mountains and marvelous wadis which is very suitable for perfect holidays in Oman. Tourists visit Oman as they know what Oman has either magnificent nature landscape and well served accommodation. From the most visited places and tours made by the tourists visit Oman are the wadis day tours . A wadi is a dried up riverbed found in the mountain valleys .wadis formed when by the heavy rain and when the river starts again and the vegetation restored. You can explore wadis by the 4WD vehicle as it is the only acceptable kind of vehicle in these places. When tourist visits Oman they must also be on the alert for rain clouds, as sudden downpours can lead to flash floods, which are highly dangerous. oman has large numbers of wadis that spread all over the country ,from the most popular wadis in oman that tourists can visit when they visit oman ,wadi Bani Khaled .
wadi Bani Khaled is located in tiwi part of sur in the Sharkyia Governorate .the water comes from top of the mountain down to the meet the sea water of its banks and this make it unique among the wadis spread in the Sultanate. Caves form some of the interesting features of this wadi. Water springs are also common in this wadi like Ain Hamouda, Ain al Sarooj and Ain Dawwa . Tourist visit Oman can now swim in this pure crystal water and have a lot of fun.
Also from the famous wadis in oman is wadi shab,it is  the most beautiful wadi in oman ,this wadi has seven pools spots  of green waters in the area where tourists can enjoy swimming and splashing when they visit oman . This wadi also has a cave with light streaming effect. About seven kilometers starts wadi tiwi and ends at the mountains where groves and fruits grow along the Course of the wadi.
Wadi Abyadah lies in Al Batinah regions, it is the most loved wadi among the valleys that tourist's visit Oman can see, it lies about 30 away from Muscat-sohar high way. You can reach there by 4 wheeled vehicle and enjoy the green vegetation, white stone and boulders from which the wadi gain its name probably .there you can see pink trees and many beautiful birds.
Wadi Dhaiqah lies in a grand canyon about 90 km to the east of Bait Hattat there are 120 wadis leads to this grand Valley which extends from Wilayat Dima W'attayyeen in the Sharqiyah region to the Wilayat of Qurayyat in the Governorate of Muscat tourists who visit oman can easily visit this wadi which is considered as a large natural park. The wadi gained the name because aslong as you walk along it some places became narrow and shut up with wonderful high cliffs.
Do not miss the happiness of visiting such beautiful magnificent wadis when you visit oman and during having oman day tours.